Chocolate Poems Reading February 4
The first reading in BAWA*’s rekindled reading series was a smashing success. Thanks to Natassaja Linzau, Pete Montgomery, Sue Scheid and Dan Vera for reading. Thanks to Chris Girardot and Sabrina Linzau for baking. Also big gratitude to The Center for Poetic Thought for giving us a new home.
The poets included in this reading ranged from Poets Laureate (Rita Dove, Mona Van Duyn) to 5th grade poetry students and the theme of “Chocolate” took us from a love of candy to the comfort of a chocolate cake in times of mourning.
The audience was eclectic, like Brookland, and we are grateful to them for attending.
Here are a few pictures (by the wonderful Rossyln Young) and a list of the poems that were read. Hope you can join us next month when we will be hearing from Women Poets in celebration of Women’s History Month!
Harlem Sweeties by Langston Hughes
Hershey’s Got No Baby Ruth by Maureen Doallas
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Erin Keane
On A Diet by William Matthews
Self-Employed by L.L. Barkat
Ode to Chocolate by Barbara Crooker
With It by Dan Vera
In the Cold Kingdom by Mona Van Duyn
Chocolate by Rita Dove
On hearing of a book titled ‘The Chocolate War’ by L. Willingham Lindquist
The Prelude by Matthew Zapruder
Chocolate Infection by G.E. Murray
Chocolate Cake by Brendan Beatty
Oh Chocolate by Sam Girardot
Lonely Eagles by Marilyn Nelson
What I learned from My Mother by Julia Kasdorf